Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cruisin' -- Part 4 -- Tuesday evening

Tuesday evening was the formal dinner.  It had been ages since I'd worn anything fancier than "church clothes" and that's not saying much, considering a good population of our church wears all manner of jeans, shorts, and t-shirts to church on any given Sunday morning.  The girls, on the other hand, love dressing up, and do it every chance they get.  And my husband?  He can wear just a toga and he'll be dashing.  Unfortunately, the entire evening he was the one behind the camera, so you'll never know how handsome he looked.

After dinner (a few of the appetizers were stuffed mushrooms, pumpkin cream soup, and chilled strawberry soup, which tasted like cold melted strawberry ice cream-- yum!  And one of the entree choices was lobster tail and shrimp.  Mmmmm, seafood...)

we all went to watch the show at the Normandie Lounge.  A good time was had by all, but of course, it would've been more relaxing if the girls hadn't taken turns needing to go potty repeatedly.

And no worries, I'm fully dressed.  ;-)

Afterwards, we saw a stand-up comedian,  whose name I can't remember for the life of me.  He was hilarious.  My mom had graciously offered to babysit the girls so we could go and have a date night.  We had a great time, but I couldn't help but feel just a *teensy* bit bad that I was having a date night while my mom was babysitting, on a cruise that we had taken her on, to celebrate HER sixtieth birthday.

Happy birthday, Mom.  You're the best.


  1. Wow, you guys look gorgeous!

    (...That food doesn't look half-bad, either.)

  2. You ladies look fabulous! (And I'm sure Sam did too!) ;)

  3. You look HOT mama! I don't think I've ever seen you with make-up on! The girls are as beautiful as ever!
