i've been reading this blog about lunchpacking, and i've been very inspired by it. not so inspired that i make hot lunches for my family from scratch every morning, but inspired enough that i don't just slap together two slices of bread with mayo and call it lunch. not that there's anything wrong with that, but let's just say that after seeing this blog, i wouldn't let my mother-in-law ever think that that's what i feed her son or her grandchildren on a regular basis. speaking of her, she asked me a few months ago what i make for my husband's lunch, and although i was able to describe what i pack for him, i was a little disappointed that she didn't get to see with her own eyes. so here are a few pictures, just so i can brag that lunch isn't just a two-slice-of-bread affair, but is a complete meal with protein (turkey), veggies (cucumber slices in sandwich!), grains (bread), dairy (yogurt, string cheese), and fruit (oranges).
Looks great!