Sunday, August 30, 2009

The wiggly, woggly, wibbly, wobbly tooth

Elizabeth's tooth finally came out today. It took a full month of wiggling, and this morning we noticed that the new tooth is already beginning to poke out through the gums behind the loose tooth before it even came out.

This morning she showed us her loose tooth and it looked like it would come out with a good tug. Her tooth was so loose that you could actually see the jagged bottom edge of the tooth -- the part that's supposed to be embedded in the socket.

Before naptime I thought I'd give it a tug and see if it'd come out. It would wiggle, it would woggle, wibble, and wobble, but wouldn't come out. Thinking I just had to get a good grip on it, I told her to take a nap, and I'd get a gauze pad to pull the tooth later. After naptime I tried again, and she actually started to cry and said that it was hurting. I read somewhere that if you pull a loose tooth before it's ready, you could actually leave behind bits of the tooth's root and cause an infection. So of course I let it go and decided to let it stay to be pulled another day.

We went out for dinner at an ice cream parlor with some friends later, and after dinner and dessert (ice cream sundaes of course!), she said her tooth is even looser. She began to play with it, and discovered that she can spin it around in its socket. Next thing I knew, she pulled it out. By herself. No blood, no pain, nothing. Just a tooth, and a 5-year-old girl with a new hole in her smile. It was too easy.


  1. This reminds me of my kids losing their first teeth. My oldest actually banged his chin on the table at preschool to knock it out! The teachers had to quickly tell the other children not to do that, or else have a roomful of bruised-face toddlers!

    How nice that the first one was so painless. How much did the Tooth Fairy leave?

  2. He left $5. Yes, it's a he in our house. But don't tell Elizabeth. She probably thinks the tooth fairy wears fancy dresses with gossamer wings and floats around sneaking five dollar bills under pillows everywhere.
